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The Andover club started life in 1978 when Martin Bushnell and Peter Wright G8GYS decided to winkle out other like minded electronics enthusiasts in the Andover area. Peter was running fast scan TV at the time and others were able to use ordinary TV sets to monitor his transmissions. In fact the firm of Link Electronics in Andover was a breeding ground for members housing as it did G8ADM Dave Mann and G8AER John Tanner. After the club started to meet regularly the membership snowballed and other licensed amateurs joined in preferring the local club to the well established but somewhat distant club at Salisbury. ARAC has always been happy to accept members with widely differing backgrounds and it absorbed many from the CB fraternity alongside experienced signalers from the Services and engineers from the radio and TV trade.

We recently received this video from Peter Wright, G8GYS. Looking back through some old VHS home video footage, shot in the early 80's perhaps, there was footage of ARAC's attempts to install a HF aerial at the Wolversdene Club in Andover. This was our venue at the time for club meetings. As VHS tapes don't have a date and time stamp (how primitive!), the year of the footage is unknown. This has now been digitised and made into a short video, which might be either nostalgic, or a window into a world before health and safety, depending on your age! The pictures aren't great due to the technology of the time, but it's the content that's interesting. Enjoy! Please click on the link to view or download the video: AERIAL VIDEO

The club’s venue has moved about over the years in an attempt to find that perfect location i.e. plenty of room for antennas and cars. So at the present time we are located in the village of Wildhern (now becoming well known for the Spring and Autumn Car Boot sales that we hold there). The club operates from the Village hall as it is well elevated for VHF operation and is remote enough from the village houses to cause no interference to TVs and the like. As a club with a wide ranging membership in terms of age and experience, we consider the personal protection of our members and their data important.

The following links provide details of our policies regarding Safeguarding, GDPR and the ARAC Constitution (from January 2018). They will open as a PDF in a new page.

The club provides Foundation and Intermediate courses on a demand basis. See our members page for information.

Committee and Annual General Meetings

The committee meet several times per year to plan the events and calendar items so that the members have opportnities to learn more about the hobby, keep up with the latest changes that are happening globally or take part in activities that are fun.

photo of club members at an ARAC AGMAndover Radio Amateur Club Annual General Meetings are run annually in June. There is usually a good turnout of members at this event where new ideas are put forward, committee members are elected or re-elected and members have their say in aspects of the running of the club for the year ahead. This year's AGM voted in Mal G8FHI as our new Club Chairman, as Mike G6TGZ stood down from the position. Mal is a long standing and very active member of the club, popular by demand the members deemed Mal the obvious choice to take up the role of Chairman this year. As this was the only change to the committee this year, all other members remain in post. The current list of committee members for this year are in the table below.

We celebrated the success of the boot sale that took place in April this year and are looking forward to running one annually every spring. The committee are looking to improve the club's social calendar this year, bringing back some of the older family events and try out some new ideas too. Angie G6ABM was awarded with the member of the year award for her long standing contributions to the club and committee, she has been instrumental in keeping the club alive during the more difficult times, post Covid and beyond.

Committee MembersPositionID
Mal ClarkeChairmanG8FHI
Gapped postVice ChairmanTBC
Paul PhillipsSecretaryG4KZY
Gapped PostTreasurerTBC
Ivan ClarkeWeb Administrator2E0DUM
Ady JurdOrdinary MemberM7GHS
Brian ChandlerOrdinary Member2E0GNC