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Why become a member of Andover Radio Amateur Club?

image of the clubhouse where ARAC members meet every month

Becoming a member of ARAC has a number of benefits. As a member, for just £15 per year, you will be part of an enthusiastic community of Radio Amateurs with vast amounts of knowledge to help you along the way to becoming a competent radio enthusiast.

There is a large range of events throughout the year, some of which are subsidized for current members. Take a look at the events page where you will find the fortnightly meeting dates and the annual events that our members take part in.

We run regular training sessions throughout the year to help our members in passing the various examinations to obtain operator licenses. These courses are on a demand basis only and run by some of our members, request can be made via our committee. In past years we have had a 100% pass rate from all our trainees.

Every existing member needs to complete a Membership Application Form once a year, this is normally tied in to the AGM. If you are not currently a member but would like to join the Andover Radio Amateur Club, please download the PDF form and pass the completed application to either the Secretary or the Treasurer. Please click the link to download the Membership Application Form which will open in a new window as a PDF.

Why Become a Radio Amateur?
image of the RSGB logo, become a licenced amateur with Andover Radio AmateurClub

Amateur Radio is the original high technology “social network”.

People who become radio amateurs at an early stage usually retain a lifelong interest in radio and some build on early experiences to go on and take up a career involving radio. Whatever your interest in radio communications, you will find others sharing that interest — from “geeky” experimenters to those just interested in communicating by radio. So as a radio amateur, you simply do not know who you might talk to “over the air”. Using call signs as identifiers, there is no status on the air, and you talk, equal to equal, to everyone you contact.

image of a globe with ham radio printed on, education is primry for ARAC members

Local radio clubs, like Andover Radio Amateurs Club, can help you grow and develop. Amateur Radio, offers enjoyment for you and your family and a wide variety of activities that are both educational and enjoyable.

What does it take to become a “Radio Ham”?

You need to study and pass some examinations to obtain a license and a call sign. The examinations or licenses are split into three as follows: -


To have complete operator freedom, albeit in line with the rules and regulations set out in your license details, you would need pass all three examinations over time. You can operate a radio or transceiver successfully with the Foundation License. Andover Radio Amateur Club members have the knowledge and expertise to train and educate members so that they can pass these examinations and become confident radio operators.

Ofcom Amateaur Radio Licensing - Planned Changes

Amateur radio, has been an important part of wireless communications for over a century. Every amateur radio user in the UK needs a licence from Ofcom, and there are more than 100,000 amateur radio licences on issue in the UK currently. Ofcom licence changes, image of examination books In June 2023 a consultation set out proposals for changes to amateur radio licences and policies, to ensure they better meet the needs of current and future users and reflect how the hobby has evolved. To enable radio amateurs to undertake a wider range of activities Ofcom are planning the following:

  • Update the overall licensing framework. This includes allowing anyone to operate amateur radio equipment under a licensee’s supervision and making the process of getting and using a licence simpler and clearer.
  • Streamline and modernise call sign assignment by updating our call sign allocation policies in a number of areas. For example, under our plans we will make it simpler for the amateur radio community to use Special Event call signs and allow licensees to change their call sign after a five-year period. Inclusion of a Regional Secondary Locators (RSLs) will become optional for most licensees. However, licensees would be able to continue to use them if they wish.
  • Adjust technical parameters. This includes increasing maximum power that radio amateurs are allowed to use in most frequency bands; and
  • Provide clearer updated rules, including simplifying conditions to make them easier to understand and removing provisions not needed for spectrum management purposes
  • This is all part of a broader effort to streamline, standardise and, where possible, automate elements of th licensing process.

    It is important for license holders to keep their details up to date so that licenses are renewed every 5 years. Ofcom has released a video to help license holders to complete this task. Click on the link which will take you to Ofcom's video held on YouTube Licence Renewal/Change Video Guidance

    Outstanding Achievements

    Outstanding Achievements are presented to members periodically for exeptional work and support to the club. Members can be presented with an award for a wide variety of reasons, some examples are presented below

    At the AGM in December 2015, the Committee was very pleased to present an Outstanding Achievement Award to Andy, M0FZX for his unstinting work training members for exams and also in recognition of advice and help to members new and old. The member of the year for 2017 was awarded to Mal, G8FHI for his outstanding contribution to the VHF field day and training intermediate members for examination. In 2018 Paul G4KZY received his award for his outstanding contributions to events, competitions and long standing support as club secretary. The member of the year for 2024 is Angie G6ABM for her long standing service to the club as a committe member, the continued support and her hard work in the running of the club.

    outstanding achievement awards for ARAC members picture outstanding achievement awards for ARAC members picture outstanding achievement awards for ARAC members picture outstanding achievement award for services to ARAC as a valued member of the committee

    Life Members

    Some members that have been long standing and have been outstanding assets to the club are elected to receive an honoury life membership.

    image of a life member awarded for outstanding long term membership to ARAC image of a life member awarded for outstanding long term membership to ARAC image of a life member awarded for outstanding long term membership on his 100th birthday celebrations with ARAC members

    Ron Collins G2AQJ is pictured here at his 100th birthday celebration lunch with ARAC members.